Empowering Refugee Bible Teachers: The Impact of BTCP in Bidibidi Refugee Resettlement Camp

Empowering Refugee Bible Teachers: The Impact of BTCP in Bidibidi Refugee Resettlement Camp

Empowering Refugee Bible Teachers: The Impact of BTCP in Bidibidi

In the midst of challenging circumstances and forced displacement, hope can emerge from unexpected places. In Bidibidi, one of the largest refugee settlements in Uganda, a group of dedicated individuals is making a profound impact on the lives of refugees through the Bible Training Centre for Pastors (BTCP). This remarkable program is not only transforming the spiritual lives of its participants but also equipping them with the tools to share the word of God and uplift their communities.

Meet the Refugee Bible Teachers

BTCP in Bidibidi has brought together a diverse group of individuals who share a common passion for deepening their understanding of faith and sharing it with others. Let's hear from some of them:

1. Pastor Joshua Tongo

- Pastor Joshua's journey into discipleship has been profound. He has experienced personal growth and transformation through BTCP, which has touched his heart and deepened his faith.

2. Jemima - A Student's Journey

- Jemima, a student at BTCP in Bidibidi, expresses her gratitude for the program. She testifies that BTCP has strengthened her spiritually, enabling her to confidently share the word of God and obey His teachings.

3. Emmanuel Bida - A Dedicated Teacher

- Emmanuel Bida, a BTCP teacher in Bidibidi, shares his insights into the program. He highlights the importance of taking God's word to heart and practicing it in their daily lives.

4. Joan Nancy - Empowering Women Through Teaching

- Joan Nancy is one of the dedicated women teaching in BTCP. She shares how the training has not only improved her spiritual life but has also empowered her to impact the lives of other women in her community.

5. Michael Hakim - Lessons of Redemption

- Michael Hakim, a BTCP student, emphasizes the significance of understanding the origin of sin and God's redemptive plan through Jesus Christ. He credits BTCP for bringing this transformative teaching to their community.

Empowering Refugees through BTCP

The Bible Training Centre for Pastors in Bidibidi is more than just a religious program; it's a beacon of hope in a challenging environment. Here's how BTCP is making a difference:

1. Spiritual Growth

- Participants like Pastor Joshua and Jemima have experienced significant spiritual growth through BTCP. They have gained a deeper understanding of their faith and a stronger connection with God.

2. Equipping Leaders

- BTCP is not only teaching individuals about the Bible but also equipping them with the skills to become effective leaders and teachers of God's word in their communities.

3. Empowering Women

- Joan Nancy's story highlights the importance of empowering women through biblical education. BTCP is breaking down barriers and allowing women to take on leadership roles in their communities.

4. Spreading God's Word

- Participants like Michael Hakim are now equipped to share the message of God's love and redemption with their fellow refugees. This knowledge has the potential to bring hope and healing to many.


The story of BTCP in Bidibidi is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of faith. Despite facing unimaginable challenges, these refugee Bible teachers are not just surviving; they are thriving and making a positive impact on their community. Through their dedication and the support of BTCP, they are sharing the message of hope, love, and redemption, demonstrating that even in the darkest of times, the light of faith can shine brightly.

We thank our ministry partner, Teaching the Vine for the investment they are making in the lives of so many refugees. If you would like to know more about their strategic ministry, please visit teachingthevine.org