Changing Lives in Latin America through biblical training.

Changing Lives in Latin America through biblical training.

Changing Lives in Latin America through biblical training.

In a world where faith, education, and determination converge, extraordinary stories of transformation unfold. Today, we invite you to embark on a journey of inspiration as we delve into the remarkable work of Paul and Denise Lambert, dedicated missionaries who have spent over 30 years changing lives in Latin America. Their mission? To bring education and discipleship to local communities through the Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP). In this blog post, we explore their impactful journey and the incredible difference they've made in the lives of countless individuals.

A biblical approach:

At the heart of Paul and Denise Lambert's mission is the Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP), a program that originated at Denton Bible Church in Texas. What makes BTCP stand out is its unique blend of academic rigor and discipleship. The Lamberts firmly believe that this balanced approach is the key to its remarkable success. It's not merely an academic program, nor is it solely focused on discipleship. Instead, it encompasses both aspects, creating a holistic learning experience that has resonated with communities across Latin America, from South America to Mexico and even Cuba.

Breaking Barriers and Changing Lives:

One of the most moving aspects of their work is their impact on indigenous people who were once told they weren't smart enough to study the Bible. The Lamberts have shattered these barriers and become the answer to countless prayers. Through BTCP, they have given individuals the opportunity to explore God's word, a gift that brings tears of joy to those who receive it. Their story is a testament to the power of education, faith, and dedication to transform lives and communities.


Paul and Denise Lambert's journey as BTCP missionaries in Latin America is a testament to the incredible impact that individuals can make when they combine their faith, education, and unwavering dedication to a higher purpose. Their work has transformed countless lives, shattered barriers, and provided hope to those who were once denied access to education and spiritual growth. It's a story of empowerment, inspiration, and the profound difference that faith in action can make in the world. We hope this blog post has inspired you to believe in the power of education, faith, and determination to change lives and communities for the better.

We thank our ministry partner, Denton Bible Church for the investment they are making in the lives of so many refugees. If you would like to know more about their strategic ministry, please visit