Three ways to help BTCP’s mission
#1 Pray
We are blessed to see pastor training taking place around the world and to see churches and communities strengthened for Christ as a result.
None of this growth happens apart from the work of the Lord so please view some of our recent updates and pray for the individuals that are serving the Lord through BTCP around the world.
#2 Give
One of our joys is to witness how your support changes the lives of pastors and church leaders around the world. This investment in their training yields countless returns.
A donation of $20 extends biblical training to one pastor for a year.
BTCP is a 501(c)(3) organization and is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). We ask that you prayerfully consider today how you might help BTCP carry out its strategy to train the untrained. Thank you!
#3 Share
Most people don’t realize that 85% of the world’s churches are led by pastors that have no biblical training. There are over 3,000,000 untrained pastors in the world and the need continues to grow.
Please “like” and share BTCP’s content with your friends and family on your social media feeds. A simple click can help us make more people aware of this vital aspect of fulfilling the Great Commission!