2023 Summary Financials & Statistics
Current Students: 38,331
2023 Graduates: 4,530
Total Graduates 1990 – 2023: 177,329
Countries: *104
*Some countries have single classes so the totals may fluctuate.
Languages in progress: 15
Total Implementing Partners: 291
Revenues and support
Contributions: $739,208
Revenues from services: $378,107
Interest income: $70,233
Net assets released from restrictions: $37,056
Total revenues and support $1,224,603
Program expenses: $809,119
Administrative and general: $206,168
Fundraising: $46,323
Total expenses: $1,061,610
Excess revenues over expenses: $162,993
• Unaudited year-end financials.
• Audited figures will be available in the 3rd quarter of this year.