Bible Training Centre for Pastors

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Regardless of culture or location, the Bible is essential for healthy ministry

From ministry in Peru to pastor training in American Spanish Speaking Churches, the Bible is essential for healthy ministry.


We've taken 12 students through the first 10 books and now we've got a second group of 12 students going through.

One of the things we've noticed is an increased understanding of the Scriptures. Some points they were a little shaky on. They now have a much better biblical perspective on those points and a grasp on those things.

The second thing we've seen is a very definitive increased activity and confidence in personal ministry. As i've often said, I think they were capable for ministry before taking the course but i don't think they realized they were capable for ministry. And something about taking that course and finishing it and being recognized has a lifting effect and when the pastor asked them to teach a class they say, “Yeah i can do that” and when the pastor asks them to disciple a new believer they say, “Yeah i can do that.” And it's exciting to watch well.

I was blessed to serve for 20 years in South America as a as a missionary then moved back to the states when our children became college age and it was time to to move back and help them through those college years. I was invited by a fellow pastor over in Norcross, Publio Sansay had the BTCP program going in his church and he wanted a second teacher involved and once i saw its effect, I was hooked and then a couple of years later brother Amilcar Soares in Alpharetta asked me if i could help him establish a Bible institute in his church. I said, “on one condition you let me use the BTCP material.” And I said, ?First of all, I know it now I've taught through it and secondly it's just effective material. There's hundreds of thousands of people that have gone through it worldwide the students enjoy it and we enjoy teaching it to them and it gives them a chance to sometimes jump in and participate and teach an hour.

There's now tons of Hispanic churches throughout Atlanta and a lot of folks have come to Christ and a lot of people that were already Christians before they moved here have found a Spanish-speaking church to be a part of and there's a need for training some of them that feel a call to ministry and go on to become pastors. I'd say 90% of them simply want to be better equipped to serve the Lord in their local church, to be better equipped to share the gospel with the people in their life and better equipped to help disciple new believers.

We've certainly found that the 10 books studied properly and taught properly are very effective in achieving those goals. There's just an ongoing need for more people to catch a vision and be equipped for active outreach, active evangelism and active discipleship.

When we get to the point whether it be in an English-speaking church a French-speaking church a Spanish-speaking church when we get to the point that we've got disciples who make disciples who make disciples that's a good sign. We're moving in the right direction. We see some of that but let's keep working to see more!