Bible Training Centre for Pastors

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No matter the time or place, BTCP is always training pastors and leaders with the same textbook – the Word of God.

No matter the time or place, BTCP is always training pastors and leaders with the same textbook – the Word of God.

For over 30 years, BTCP has been consistent in its training methodology. We are convinced from Scripture that God's plan for leaderships development is the Word of God, taught, modeled, and transferred from life to life. The ten-course BTCP curriculum is a valuable tool for the training, but the Bible itself is the textbook for every course, in every language, and in every nation that the Lord has planted BTCP and BTCL training programs.

The consistent testimony of our graduates is that the training strengthened their understanding of the Scriptures and thus enabled them to share the Scriptures with others with greater boldness and skill.

Zambia - 1994

1998 - Ukraine

1999 - The Philippines

2006 - India

2016 - Brazil

*Note - video is only available in Portuguese

2019 - USA

Automated Transcripts:

Zambia 1994 -

My name is uh jacob canolo okay what is your ministry uh my ministry is to to minister in the church of uh lindsay the department of defense tell me uh how has btcp affected you really i thank the law because the btcp program has been so wonderful to change my life and especially the way i preach here my ministry is very much affected by this program i'm just building up the way i'm being taught here okay what's different in your preaching now oh sure for the last years i've been preaching i could not be able to understand it or to interpret the word i think it is i found that i've been making a lot of errors but now i can be able to observe the water in the freight and then give it to my congregation to apply okay very good thank you very much thank you.

India 2006 -

I was called to the ministry when i was about 46 years old i when i first started i was very different and i was very frightened because it was something new and i always believe the saying you know that old top doesn't learn then i still even for that little task i was fighting with so then after that when i started this training i found that i was having much more uh i mean opportunity to learn the better and have a proper understanding of the bible and also how to study the methods of learning english so then that was a great encouragement to me really i was able to understand the scriptures much better and i was really being encouraged to go forward in the ministry and that time i was also not very independent about going and preaching in any villages and any of these things so because among unknown people and among people who are not saved so then as i was undergoing these trainings then i felt lord really that god was guiding me and helping me and giving me great courage i had a very bad memory i was to forget i could never remember any references you know but it is only by god's grace at this age now i am 54 so at this age really god has helped me to improve so much and god is the spirit that is working might be and these books have been a real source of blessing and guidance some of these assignments you know like you know first i was feeling a bit uh i was feeling that maybe this is uh through this you signal like sitting in judgment over some why did the church why is it like this some questions left then i were actually in the video i thought you know this question should have been more personal why am i like that but as i kept answering those assignments then i thought that it was helping me to personally understand and do it so even my shortcomings i was able to see it was reflected in ministry when i was answering these questions then i was able to judge myself more than anybody else so then really i found it it was surprising really i find that god has been helping me and so i really thank you because you have brought this within our reach and this training has been really beneficial and a blessing to me.

Brazil 2019 -

Hoje nós estamos aqui no projeto Amazônia no Estado do Amazonas no Brasil e nós queremos agradecer o projeto que veio nos trazer essas lições esses livros para nós é de grande proveito nós queremos que Deus abençoe suas vidas e que Deus possa retribuir isso muitas vezes louvamos a Deus pela vida do pastor médico e nos pastor verdades bíblicas e nós estamos contentes e querendo fazer a vontade de Deus formando outros líderes Deus abençoe sua igreja Deus abençoe América Deus abençoe o mundo através de lições tem que ir no médico.

USA 2019 -

Three years ago in June i asked a question that i didn't realize it at the time but was about to change my life and that question was if i could do anything with my life and i need anything to serve Jesus what would that be god gave me a distinct vision of standing in front of women who society may have made feel unwanted women who were rescued from trafficking and teaching them about the saving grace of Jesus christ what other than good intentions would help equip me to actually do the work that i felt god put on my heart i looked at seminaries and grad schools but the cost both expense and time-wise was overwhelming around a week or so later i found a program called bible training for church leaders i viewed BTCL as a way to get where i was trying to go but if i'm being honest at the very beginning i thought it was a sacrifice on my part but as days became weeks and weeks became months the more time i was spending in scripture it started to come to life i'll never forget the day that we stepped from the old testament to the new testament and um i was so in awe of god's plan i was so in awe of the goodness and love of Jesus and when i walked into class that night i had tears in my eyes with time and training my faith grew and so did my handling of god's word i realized that to be able to serve anyone well it was vitally important that i know what the word of god says and not just some of it all of the compassion in the world will not offer any real hope to hurting people if it isn't balanced with the truth of god my perspective of this class shifted from a sacrifice to realizing it was an incredible gift and after two years i watched the word of god come alive and i was able to teach the class of women that i dreamed of doing one day and it was awesome in the end what i learned from BTCL was so much more than preparation to serve elsewhere it was a tool that god used to shape my faith and my heart and draw me to him so if you ask me what the greatest thing i have gained from my time in BTCL my answer is simple and it was to know god more because there's nothing in life a greater value than that.