Henry Ventura shares why tools, skill and motivation are essential in pastor training.
Henry Ventura
Tools, Skill, and Motivation
While waiting for the Community Quarantine to be relaxed and eventually lifted, we got the chance to work on a small office space at our house. We called some local guys, mostly relatives of Cora’s, ordered some materials, and got to work. As we worked, I observed up close how a workman needs three things to do his job well.
First, he needs the proper tools for the job, and these must be in good condition. A carpenter could cut lumber using a dull saw but it would take a long time. Second, he needs the knowledge and skill to do the job. Anybody could nail wooden boards together but only a craftsman can cut and fit the pieces together in a way that will result in a piece that is both durable and pleasing to the eyes. And third, a workman needs the motivation and patience to apply his knowledge and skill to the job at hand. A “rush job” speaks against a shoddy worker and will always reflect on his character.
This is also true for a trainer of leaders. He needs good materials to explain the concepts that he wants to impart to his students. He also needs the knowledge and skill to train others, and he needs to have the proper motivation and patience to invest his time in the lives of other people. A teacher who trains other people just to make money will not have the same passion as a trainer who teaches because he wants to guide his students to become better servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are grateful that CCI already has an excellent curriculum that continues to be honed like a sharp tool. And I pray that each member of our team would always exhibit the knowledge, skill, proper motivation and patience as we train pastors and leaders all over the country so that they may be effective in the ministry.
Henry Ventura