Bible Training Centre for Pastors

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Haitian refugee-pastors are being equipped in Tijuana, Mexico!

A word from our partner, Jim Shankula of Shadow Mountain Community Church.

Praise the Lord for a successful Teacher Training Workshop in Tijuana, Mexico. This was a combined training for Haitian refugee spiritual leaders, and for Mexican pastors who are housing them in their churches. The first day we had 17 Haitians and 3 Mexican pastors present for the training.

Juvenal Gonzalez helped me with the training, as well as two Mexican pastors who have been involved in teaching the BTCP courses in their churches. Most of the training was done through translators (from Spanish to Haitian creole).

The Mexican pastors believe that they will be ready to start classes with the Haitians in about a month or month and a half, after they determine which and how many are committed to following through with the studies.