Bible Training Centre for Pastors

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Cross-cultural Bible training programs equip leaders while fostering close friendships.

We are blessed to be a part of pastors and church leader training programs around the world. It is especially encouraging when we see people from disparate cultures growing together in cross-cultural training programs.

Lewis and Saw Ka Paw are an unlikely pair of friends that are growing into more of a family with their fellow students in a rural Georgia Bible training program.


My name is Louis my name is Sa Ka Pa we are from over Thorpe County Georgia and we both attend classes through world wreaks Bible Institute which is a product of B TCP let me echo Paul we started our first rule I'm in class number one together first night together and and psycho Paul would come in every week and we would talk a little bit more each week and a little bit more each week and we've really become good friends now because of the classes and we both we both learn we learn from each other we really do we learn from each other yeah and that we feel that we becoming a family that's right absolutely absolutely and we are here is to learn how to teach other people and to teach pastors who don't have the training that they needed do you know when you come in even if you think you have a lot of knowledge in the Bible or whatever it makes a big difference with these classes because it really fills in gaps that you may have or if you don't have a much training I have seen guys over the last couple of years just absolutely grow in their in their walk with Jesus and in their knowledge because of the classes and and I would trade for anything today's car because I want my people to know more Jesus yes reducer and more pasta because we really meet the gospel and our people are too for the next generation to be a leader a good leader so I got called me to tell this club and to give to my people.